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Claim RBX event

Claim RBX event

We have officially started to roll out events where the first one is in favour of us reaching 3K Discord members! The Claim RBX event allows you to enter a raffle after having earned 5 Robux and is a replacement for the initial promocode. This is because we want to start having rewards that are tailored towards users that actively use our site and to prevent people from botting promocodes on multiple alt accounts. To claim your free Robux, simply go to the Claim RBX event page and press claim prize. If it tells you that you have not earned enough Robux then you first have to complete some small offers on the earn Robux page to get to a total of at least 5 Robux earned.

Where will this go in the future?

We are going to analyse the data that comes from this event and make improvements where needed. The Claim RBX event is going to stay around for longer if it proves successful and on top of that we’ll be looking to introduce more types of events and possibly even partnerships in the future!

What about promocodes?

We will still drop promocodes regularly which still holds the first come first serve idea, in fact we have recently dropped a promocode in favour of Spain winning the Euro’s 2024 GANADORES2024. The promocodes will become more random while these types of events will become more consistent.